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Amalle Dublon
Lived Experience Autocorrecting to Loved Experience
We tend to place illness and revolution opposite each other on the spectrum of action: illness is on the end of inaction, passivity, and surrender, while revolution is on the end of movement, surging and agitating. But maybe this spectrum is more like an ouroboros: one end feeding the other, transforming into, because of, made of the same stuff as the other. Johanna Hedva, ‘Get Well Soon’ (2020), at www.getwellsoon.labr.io Join us for new work by Amalle Dublon that considers explosive slowness, alongside a reading of ‘Get Well Soon’ by Johanna Hedva. The event will be followed by an open discussion / hang-out with Johanna and Amalle. Amalle Dublon’s writing has appeared in GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies and TDR: The Drama Review, among other publications. Amalle helped to organize I Wanna Be with You Everywhere, a gathering of disabled artists and writers at Performance Space and the Whitney Museum, in 2019. With Constantina Zavitsanos, they participated in Sensing Salons organized by Valentina Desideri and Denise Ferreira da Silva, and made artwork and writing that appeared at Artists Space, New York. Amalle received a PhD in Literature from Duke University, and teaches at the New School. Johanna Hedva is a Korean-American writer, artist, musician, and astrologer, who was raised in Los Angeles by a family of witches, and now lives in LA and Berlin. Hedva’s practice cooks magic, necromancy, and divination together with mystical states of fury and ecstasy. Their novel On Hell (2018) was named one of Dennis Cooper’s favorites of 2018. Their essay ‘Sick Woman Theory’, published in Mask (2016), has been translated into six languages, and their next book, Minerva the Miscarriage of the Brain will be published in September 2020. Their album The Sun and the Moon was released in 2019; two of its tracks were played on the moon. Hedva’s first solo exhibition, God Is an Asphyxiating Black Sauce, opened on 20 June 2020 at Klosterruine Berlin. www.johannahedva.com