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Wendy Lotterman
Casting Dispersions: Revising Lyric Privacy in Simone White’s
Of Being Dispersed
This chapter examines the refusal of privacy in Simone White’s 2016 collection
Of Being Dispersed
. Writing within the lyric mode, White’s defiantly public subject draws attention to the lyric’s generic proximity to liberalism, in which individuation is a precondition of recognition and race is thus read as an identity rather than the effect of a social process. By comparing White’s book with George Oppen’s 1968 poem ‘Of Being Numerous’, I argue that ‘dispersal’ names the condition of a racialized subject whose individuation is not in the first place given, whereas ‘numerousness’ names an aspiration to move toward assembly from an original interiority.
2024. liberalism; individuation; race; conceptualism; personhood; privacy; social difference