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journal article
Lema Habash, Nicolas
Book Review: Materialism and Politics, ed. by Bernardo Bianchi, Émilie Filion-Donato, Marlon Miguel and Ayşe Yuva
Stemming from a conference organized in Berlin in 2019, the edited volume titled Materialism and Politics undertakes a monumental task: mapping out the current discussions in the field of materialism and its relations to politics. I say that this is a monumental task because, as the articles and perspectives gathered in this volume attest, the field of ‘materialism’ is impossible to encompass. The effort of the editorial team is thus remarkable. Although they know that a totally exhaustive study on this issue is impossible, they have still managed to put together a collection of essays that provide the reader with a very wide-ranging panorama of the current reflections on the field of materialism. …