Video in English
Format: mp4Length: 00:13:33
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Rights: © ICI Berlin
Part of the Workshop
Forms of Attachment: Affect at the Limits of the Political /
Part I: Discussion
Lauren Berlant (University of Chicago)
Kathleen Stewart (University of Texas, Austin)
Interrogating forms of attachment means thinking about how material and affective structures give shape to subjectivities, publics, nations, and worlds. It demands looking closely at how forms of life are organized and disorganized at the very moment of their emergence and at the openings, possibilities, foreclosures, and enclosures enabled by the bindings and unbindings at work in the historical present. Lauren Berlant has suggested that thinking the political differently requires a “lateral exploration of an elsewhere that is first perceptible as an atmosphere.” Under what conditions do alternative routes for living take form and unfold? How are they registered by aesthetic renditions of affective experience? How do they inform the politics of precarity and vulnerability? And in what ways are they able to disrupt the fantasies that structure the late modern world and the normativities they engender?
19:30 Welcome
19:40 Opening Remarks from Each Speaker
20:00 Moderated Discussion
20:45 Q&A
10 July 2012, 10:00 – 16:00
Part II: Workshop
Lauren Berlant (University of Chicago)
Kathleen Stewart (University of Texas, Austin)
This workshop offers a space for conversation around the ambivalent, paradoxical, and ordinary forms of attachment that sustain and preclude modes of living. It asks how we can suggest ways to think about a shared present that is neither presentist nor teleological. To think of the specificities of the contemporary moment is to critique with awareness of historical contingency, of the meaning of the substance of existence and worlds, and of fantasies that both shape and are troubled by shared affective responses, languages, and atmospheres.
ICI Berlin(Click for further documentation)
Lauren BerlantKathleen Stewart
Organized by
Brigitte BargetzBobby Benedicto
Kit Heintzman
Sandrine Sanos
Volker Woltersdorff