Complementarity and Futurity
Video in English
Part 2
Format: mp4Length: 00:20:49
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Rights: © ICI Berlin
Part of the Lecture
Complementarity and Futurity: Looking Back at this Sex which is 'Not One' /
Penelope Deutscher is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Northwestern University. Her publications include The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Ambiguity, Conversion, Resistance (2008), How to Read Derrida (2005), A Politics of Impossible Difference: The Later Work of Luce Irigaray (2002) and Yielding Gender: Feminism, Deconstruction and the History of Philosophy (1997). She co-edited (with Françoise Collin) Repenser le politique: l’apport du féminisme (2004) and (with Kelly Oliver) Enigmas: Essays on Sarah Kofman, (1999). She is currently working on two projects: From Analogy, on the historical grounding of women’s rights claims in analogical proximities with animals, slaves and sovereigns; and Foucault’s Children: Thanatopolitics and Reproductive Futurism – elements of which currently appear in South Atlantic Quarterly, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Theory, Culture and Society, and Telos.