Cite as: Vladimir Safatle, Closer Than We Think: Hegel, Adorno, and the Problem of Totality, lecture, ICI Berlin, 25 November 2013, part 1, video recording, mp4, 30:38 <>
25 Nov 2013

Closer Than We Think

Hegel, Adorno, and the Problem of Totality
By Vladimir Safatle
The talk discussed Adorno’s reading of Hegel in order to show how it operates from within the potentialities of Hegelian thought. This meant revising the idea that negative dialectics would be something conceptually different from Hegelian dialectics. Safatle showed how Adorno’s critique of the Hegelian concept of totality leaves room for a dialectical recovery of totality. The connection between philosophical speculation and musical aesthetics in Adorno’s thought played an important role in this argument.

Vladimir Safatle is Professor at the University of São Paulo (Brazil), and Invited Professor at the Universities of Stellenbosch (South Africa), Louvain, Toulouse, Paris VII, and Paris VIII. He is responsible for the Brazilian translation of Adorno’s works, and author of books on dialectical thought, psychoanalysis, leftist politics as well as musical aesthetics, all in Portuguese, expect for La passion du négatif: Lacan et la dialectique (Georg Olms 2010).


ICI Berlin
(Click for further documentation)

Organized by

ICI Berlin

Video in English

part 1

Format: mp4
Length: 00:30:38
First published on:
Rights: © ICI Berlin