Video in German
Format: mp4Length: 00:22:13
First published on: https://www.ici-berlin.org/events/conatus-und-lebensnot/
Rights: © ICI Berlin
Part of the Conference
Conatus und Lebensnot: Konzepte des Überlebens
Die internationale Tagung zielt auf eine medienanthropologische Betrachtung von Schlüsselbegriffen wie Conatus und Lebensnot und regt zu einer vertieften Diskussion und zu einem verstärkten interdisziplinären Austausch an.
Conatus and Lebensnot stand for those binding forces of life that, since the emergence of anthropology, have regularly been the subject of philosophical and psychological theory. Spinoza defined Conatus as ‘the striving by which each thing strives to persevere in its being’. As changing conditions of life, Conatus and its counter-concept Lebensnot – which takes the need of life as its starting point – are also at the center of current media-anthropological discussions about the relationship between life and media. With the ascendence of the life sciences, the human has become more than ever the subject of science and the product of its technologies – in fact, in many respects the human has become a being split between living and surviving. This shift also appears in the turn to affect theory, new materialism, and speculative philosophy. Here the human appears as a sensing, affective being and no longer as a primarily cognitive, communicative, symbolizing, or laboring being. Philosophical approaches of immanence orient themselves around vitalistic concepts (rhythm, movement, sensation, intensity), the notion of a living materiality, and the knowledge of physics (as well as of biology and neuroscience). Michel Foucault still assumed that the human – as object of knowledge, together with the order of the modern episteme – could dissolve, and yet the finitization of the human object of knowledge has so far failed.
The international conference aims at a media-anthropological consideration of key concepts (Conatus and Lebensnot) and encourages deepened discussion as well as amplified interdisciplinary exchange.
ICI Berlin(Click for further documentation)
Daniel C. BarberAli Benmakhlouf
Natalie Binczek
Christine Blättler
Marcus Coelen
Monique David-Ménard
Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky
Katja Diefenbach
Reinhold Görling
Manuele Gragnolati
Sara Fortuna
Christoph Holzhey
Gertrud Koch
Nimrod Reitman
Avital Ronell
Ursula Renz
Anna Tuschling
Christiane Voss
Organized by
Astrid Deuber-MankowskyAnna Tuschling