Video in English
Format: mp4Length: 00:04:57
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Rights: © ICI Berlin
Part of the Keynote
Zombie Humanism at the End of the World /
Judith Jack Halberstam is Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, Gender Studies and Comparative Literature at USC (University of Southern California). Halberstam is the author of five books including Female Masculinity (1998), The Queer Art of Failure (2011), and most recently Gaga Feminism: Sex, Gender and the End of the Normal (2012). Halberstam works generally in the areas of queer theory, visual and popular culture, gender studies and art, and blogs at as well as Halberstam is currently working on a book on “the wild.”
Part of the Conference
Weak Resistance: Everyday Struggles and the Politics of Failure
are embedded already in the dominant and that power
is never total or consistent; indeed failure can exploit
the unpredictability of ideology and its indeterminate qualities.
J. J. Halberstam
Revolutionaries are everywhere,
but nowhere is there any real revolution.
Abdelkebir el-Khatibi
The word resistance usually evokes images of struggle, of opposition, but also of power, of domination, and oppression. In its concrete manifestations, however, resistance is more of a process of trial and error; it is often a story of failures intersecting, weaknesses combining and of building precarious solidarities in times of crisis. In this sense, revolution is never a simple story of ‘success’.
This one-day conference aimed at exploring resistances as a multiplicity, as practices and modes of thinking that challenge normative values of success and failure. Resistances act on the mechanisms of power in particular places, in concerted actions, as well as in daily routines of living, being, working, imagining, and organizing. They can manifest as coalitions of the weak and dispossessed but also as coagulations in that in-between, uncomfortable space of the semi-peripheral. The panels investigated resistances in the decolonial queer context, the cultural field at large, protest politics, and sex work, and involved researchers alongside activists and other agents.
ICI Berlin(Click for further documentation)
Heather LoveZairong Xiang
Pearl Brilmeyer
James Burton
Margarita Tsomou
Liad Kantorowicz
Laboria Cuboniks
Organized by
Rosa BarotsiWalid El-Houri
Ewa Majewska