30 – 1 Oct 2019

On Weathering

Weathering is atmospheric, geological, temporal, transformative. Inherently relational, it refers to a great variety of processes that alter by exposing to the elements, wear down over time, add patina, degrade, or even disintegrate. It can denote the ways in which subjects and objects resist and pass through storms and severe adversity. But questions remain: What does it means to weather or withstand? Who or what is able to pass through safely in various contexts of weathering? And what is lost or gained in the process?

Within the context of the ongoing ICI research focus ‘ERRANS environ/s’, fellows and staff members assemble in this internal workshop to contemplate the theme of weathering across many fields and disciplines. Participants will examine surfaces, environments, scales, reciprocity (or lack thereof), temporalities, and vulnerabilities of weathering and being weathered.


ICI Berlin
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Organized by

ICI Berlin

In English

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Rights: © ICI Berlin
Cite as: On Weathering, workshop, ICI Berlin, 30–1 October 2019 <>