7 – 8 Jul 2021
7 – 8 Jul 2021
Philosophy, Politics, and the Question of the Ground
Confronted with an arguably incomplete critique of the notion and history of sovereignty, contemporary lines of thinking have forcefully returned to the inquiry into political foundations. These theoretical approaches in philosophy and the humanities at large have attempted to find possibilities of dialogue concerning the critique of sovereign structures of power, the undoing of systemic violence, as well as the development of ideas of community and mutual aid. The conference ‘Anarchē’ aims to investigate the contemporary philosophical attempts at questioning traditional concepts of political foundations in order to rethink the central notion of ground or archē.
ICI Berlin(Click for further documentation)
Emily ApterBruno Bosteels
Susan Buck-Morss
Donatella Di Cesare
Rebecca Comay
Simona Forti
Stathis Gourgouris
Claudia Hilb
Peter Szendy
Miguel Vatter
Catherine Malibou
Organized by
Damiano SaccoFacundo Vega
An ICI event in cooperation with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Berlino and the Centre Marc Bloch
In English
First published on: © ICI Berlin
Cite as:
Anarchē: Philosophy, Politics, and the Question of the Ground, conference, ICI Berlin, 7–8 July 2021 <>