Video in English
Format: mp4Length: 00:23:14
First published on: https://www.ici-berlin.org/events/selamawit-d-terrefe/
Rights: © ICI Berlin
Part of the Lecture
Race, Power, and the Psyche: Violence at the Corridors of Psychoanalysis /
Selamawit D. Terrefe specializes in Global Black Studies, Critical Theory, psycho-politics, and violence as an Assistant Professor of African American Literature and Culture in the Department of English at Tulane University and as the 2022-2024 Williams College Faculty Fellow for the Mellon ‘Just Futures’ project. Previously, Terrefe was a postdoctoral fellow in Black Atlantic Studies at the University of Bremen, and has presented internationally at workshops such as the Tate Modern in London and the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen. She is currently completing her manuscript, Impossible Blackness: Violence and the Psychic Life of Slavery, and has publications in The Feminist Wire, Theory and Event, Rhizomes, Critical Philosophy of Race, Psychoanalysis and History, and forthcoming in Political Theology, Philosophy Today, Society and Space, and for the Palgrave Lacan volume, Afropessimism, Antiblackness, and Lacan.
ICI Berlin(Click for further documentation)
Organized by
Wilhelm BrüggenMonika Englisch
Andreas Gehrlach