28 Jun 2023

Metaverse Landscapes

Technology and Territory
Coming out of what the New York Times has called a long tradition of innovation and impunity that marks the Silicon Valley, how can one understand the entrepreneurial and territorial politics of the Metaverse and related developments in the digital sphere? Who designs, who populates, and who governs today’s emergent technologically enabled spaces?


ICI Berlin
(Click for further documentation)


Simon Denny
Svitlana Matviyenko
Fred Turner

Organized by

Centre for Digital Cultures of Leuphana University Lüneburg
In cooperation with the ICI Berlin, in conjunction with the Stanford-Leuphana Summer Academy 2023

In English

First published on: https://www.ici-berlin.org/events/metaverse-landscapes/
Rights: © ICI Berlin
Cite as: Metaverse Landscapes: Technology and Territory, discussion, ICI Berlin, 28 June 2023 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e230628>