Cite as: Jonathan Harris, ‘“Dear Jim, Your Last Film Takes Us Too Far into the Bowel Regions”: The Body According to Jim Davis’, talk presented at the session ‘Forms’, part of the conference Models, ICI Berlin, 17–18 November 2023, video recording, mp4, 22:01 <>
17 – 18 Nov 2023

‘Dear Jim, Your Last Film Takes Us Too Far into the Bowel Regions’

The Body According to Jim Davis
By Jonathan Harris

Video in English

Format: mp4
Length: 00:22:01
First published on:
Rights: © ICI Berlin

Part of the Session


Part of the Conference

Models: World Picture Conference

The keyword for this year’s World Picture Conference is ‘models’. Organized in cooperation with the ICI Berlin, it stages a collaboration with the current ICI Research Project, which reflects upon modelling practices across different fields, with a particular focus on the role of reduction and its critical potentials.

A model can be an object of admiration, a miniature or prototype, an abstracted phenomenon or applied theory, a literary text — practically anything from a human body on a catwalk to a mathematical description of a system. It can elicit desire, provide understanding, guide action or thought. Despite the polysemy of the term, models across disciplines and fields share a fundamental characteristic: their effect depends on a specific relational quality. A model is always a model of or for something else, and the relation is reductive insofar as it is selective and considers only certain aspects of both object and model. The literary examples of maps made to the scale of a territory described by Lewis Carroll and Jorge Luis Borges humorously point to the absurdity of thinking that models keep improving by becoming less reductive until they eventually coincide with their target.

For further details of the ICI Focus ‘Models’, please see


ICI Berlin
(Click for further documentation)

Organized by

Veronica Fitzpatrick
Manuele Gragnolati
Christoph Holzhey
Jules O’Dwyer
Brian Price
John David Rhodes
Meghan Sutherland
Elizabeth Wijaya
A World Picture Conference in cooperation with Cambridge Film & Screen and ICI Berlin