In English
Format: mp4Length: 01:01:04
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Rights: © ICI Berlin
Part of the Symposium
Laboured Changes: Work’s Futures and Political Imaginaries
This symposium aims to move beyond the predominantly speculative and hypothetical nature of these conversations by placing in dialogue forward-looking but empirically-grounded insights into the concrete processes that are unfolding in the present, and could lead to the materialization of particular futures of work and the foreclosure of others. It brings together four scholars whose work has contributed to debates on laboured changes, in the dual sense of anticipated changes to structures and experiences of labour and the work of bringing about such changes. They will discuss recent transformations in Chinese labour regimes, refugees and surplus populations, the death of career and the elusiveness of adulthood, and post-work visions and global political alternatives, to understand how different futures of work can be imagined starting from this uneven and contested present.
ICI Berlin(Click for further documentation)
Hadas WeissPrem Kumar Rajaram
Ana Cecilia Dinerstein
Biao Xiang
Organized by
Alina-Sandra CucuRuth Ramsden-Karelse