Cite as: Charlotte Klonk, Introduction to the lecture W. J. T. Mitchell, ‘Madness and Montage: The Picture Atlas as Symptom and Therapy from Aby Warburg to “A Beautiful Mind”’, part of the conference Image Operations, ICI Berlin, 10–12 April 2014, video recording, mp4, 03:54 <>
10 – 12 Apr 2014


By Charlotte Klonk

Video in English

Format: mp4
Length: 00:03:54
First published on:
Rights: © ICI Berlin

Part of the Conference

Image Operations

Some images intervene directly in the world and change it in far-reaching ways. As components of media practices, they generate events, impacting immediately and concretely on people and bodies. Image operations such as these are particularly striking in the case of war, terrorist attacks, and the political campaigns of NGOs – but also in medicine. The international conference Image Operations brought together leading scholars to discuss the constitutive role of images and their ethical implications.


ICI Berlin
(Click for further documentation)


Lisa Cartwright
James Elkins
Isabella Graw
Thomas Keenan
Timothy Lenoir
W.J.T. Mitchell
Marie-José Mondzain

Organized by

Charlotte Klonk
Jens Eder
In cooperation with the ICI