4 Jul 2016
Empathy vs. Einfühlung
Video in English
Format: mp4Length: 00:34:06
First published on: https://www.ici-berlin.org/events/harun-farocki-notion-einfuehlung/
Rights: © ICI Berlin
Part of the Workshop
Harun Farocki and the Notion of 'Einfühlung'
Over the past decades, many studies have been published on the topic of empathy across a range of disciplines. Yet the debate on this topic is not limited to academic contexts: to react empathically is almost considered a social duty, amplified by the possibilities enabled by new media which allow for immediate contact with stories and experiences of distant people practically simultaneously. The general trend is arguably that of focusing on a supposed fusional relation between subject and object, without taking into account the distance and conflict implicit in sensing the other. Focusing on Farocki’s manifold research relating to the topic of Einfühlung, the workshop seeks to explore these issues, as well as the cinematic techniques/devices used to tackle them.
ICI Berlin(Click for further documentation)
Michael BauteRobin Curtis
Toni Hildebrandt
Giovanni Tusa