19 Jan 2018
Rhythm, Medium, Milieu
Video in English
Format: mp4Length: 00:25:40
First published on: https://www.ici-berlin.org/events/organization-of-perception/
Rights: © ICI Berlin
Part of the Workshop
Organization of Perception: Rhythm and Projection
Yet the notion of an organization of perception also relates to the wider context of aesthetic theories and practices of the 1920s and 1930s, including a series of sensorial experiments exploring this link: Thus, in theorizing rhythm, the Soviet avantgarde negotiates between transgressions of a homogeneous, linear time regime and the industrial organization of movements and frequencies of body, speech, and thought. Projection, on the other hand, structures the perception of light and redefines the materiality of perception in such a radical way that the very notion of materialism is challenged.
The workshop considers the relation of media and perception in terms of historicity, rhythm, and projection, thereby connecting to the current ICI Focus ‘ERRANS, in Time’. It brings together a number of scholars who have researched particular constellations of the historical, technical, and political organization of perception.
Part I
16:00 Welcome
16:10 Antonio Somaini (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3)
Light as Medium
16:40 Elena Vogman (DFG project ‘Rhythm and Projection’ at FU Berlin)
Rhythm, Medium, Milieu: On the Memory of Forms
17:00 Gertrud Koch (Freie Universität Berlin)
Film Theory as Media Theorie
17:20 Discussion
17:50 Coffee break
Part II
18:10 Ekaterina Tewes (DFG project ‘Rhythm and Projection’ at FU Berlin)
Organization of Perception, Organization of Matter
18:30 Georg Witte (DFG project ‘Rhythm and Projection’ at FU Berlin)
Rhythm, Organization, Form
18:50 Clara Masnatta (ICI Berlin)
Paradoxical Presence: Projecting Colors
19:10 Discussion
ICI Berlin(Click for further documentation)
Gertrud KochClara Masnatta
Antonio Somaini
Ekaterina Tewes
Elena Vogman
Georg Witte