Final Discussion
Video in English
Format: mp4Length: 01:33:35
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Rights: © ICI Berlin
Part of the Symposium
Spatial Figures in the Anthropocene
Engagements with climate change and the planetary in the social sciences and humanities have challenged conventional analytical distinctions between global and local as well as human and nonhuman spaces. Tim Morton’s (2013) influential conceptualization of global warming as a hyperobject emphasizes how it transcends human scales of time-space experience and action, thus becoming a viscous, non-local process. At the same time, authors like Bruno Latour (2017) point out the inadequacy of the modern figure of globalization and of understanding the Earth as a globe. In times of climate crisis, he argues, the Earth emerges as Gaia: not a super-organism or system, but rather a rhizome of organism-environment relationships. As these two interventions exemplify, the multiple environmental and planetary crises associated with the Anthropocene fundamentally challenge the scalar logic and figures of modern understandings of space.
Facilitating an interdisciplinary conversation about these transformations seems crucial because of the pervasiveness of spatial categories and imaginaries. The symposium thus brings together leading scholars from anthropology, sociology, architectural theory, science and technology studies, urban studies, and human geography to collectively meet these challenges while reaching a heterogeneous public audience of researchers and practitioners.
ICI Berlin(Click for further documentation)
Alexandra ArènesAndrew Baldwin
Jennifer Gabrys
Gastón Gordillo
Susanne Hauser
Christopher Kelty
Marcela Suárez Estrada
Tomás Usón
Organized by
Ignacio FaríasSilke Steets