For the duration of the one hundred days of the documenta 6 in 1977, Joseph Beuys made honey flow from this slightly awkward pit, the well of a destructive esprit d’escalier, this site of a sovereignty evacuated many times over. Beuys, that is, installed his fable of the bees at a purposefully vacuous palace where courtly culture had surrendered to the modern museum, but more specifically even, at the supplemental, feigned, then bombed-out site of popular sovereignty.
Keywords: Plasticity; Sculpture; Honigpumpe am Arbeitsplatz - Beuys, Joseph; Art; Totality; Society
Pumping Honey
Joseph Beuys at the documenta 6
Arnd Wedemeyer
For the duration of the one hundred days of the documenta 6 in 1977, Joseph Beuys made honey flow from this slightly awkward pit, the well of a destructive esprit d’escalier, this site of a sovereignty evacuated many times over. Beuys, that is, installed his fable of the bees at a purposefully vacuous palace where courtly culture had surrendered to the modern museum, but more specifically even, at the supplemental, feigned, then bombed-out site of popular sovereignty.
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Honigpumpe am Arbeitsplatz - Beuys, Joseph
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Bibliographic Citation
Arnd Wedemeyer, ‘Pumping Honey: Joseph Beuys at the documenta 6’, in De/Constituting Wholes: Towards Partiality Without Parts, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey and Manuele Gragnolati, Cultural Inquiry, 11 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2017), pp. 177–214 <>
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De/Constituting Wholes: Towards Partiality Without Parts, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey and Manuele Gragnolati, Cultural Inquiry, 11 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2017), pp. 177–214


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Cite as: Arnd Wedemeyer, ‘Pumping Honey: Joseph Beuys at the documenta 6’, in De/Constituting Wholes: Towards Partiality Without Parts, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey and Manuele Gragnolati, Cultural Inquiry, 11 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2017), pp. 177–214 <>