Book Section
Antke Engel
Desiring Tension
Towards a Queer Politics of Paradox
The article provides a close reading of the video Sometimes you fight for the world, sometimes you fight for yourself, dir. by Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz (2004, 5’). It reads the video as promoting what it calls a ‘queer politics of paradox’, that is, a politics that acknowledges desire as a constitutive moment of the political and at the same time challenges the political via a queer understanding of desire in order to make room for the political articulation of the Other. The article argues that a reworking of the political — one that aims at de-centring its hegemonic dynamic and creating space for Otherness — becomes possible if one invites paradox as a specific, anti-identitarian, and agonistic mode of tension to function as a constitutive moment of desire and of the political.
Keywords: Boudry, Pauline; Lorenz, Renate; paradox; politics; queer theory; tension; video
Rights: © by the author(s). This version is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Title |
Desiring Tension
Subtitle |
Towards a Queer Politics of Paradox
Author(s) |
Antke Engel
Identifier | |
Description |
The article provides a close reading of the video Sometimes you fight for the world, sometimes you fight for yourself, dir. by Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz (2004, 5’). It reads the video as promoting what it calls a ‘queer politics of paradox’, that is, a politics that acknowledges desire as a constitutive moment of the political and at the same time challenges the political via a queer understanding of desire in order to make room for the political articulation of the Other. The article argues that a reworking of the political — one that aims at de-centring its hegemonic dynamic and creating space for Otherness — becomes possible if one invites paradox as a specific, anti-identitarian, and agonistic mode of tension to function as a constitutive moment of desire and of the political.
Is Part Of | |
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Publisher |
Turia + Kant
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Subject |
Boudry, Pauline
Lorenz, Renate
queer theory
Rights |
© by the author(s)
This version is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Bibliographic Citation |
Antke Engel, ‘Desiring Tension: Towards a Queer Politics of Paradox’, in Tension/Spannung, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Cultural Inquiry, 1 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2010), pp. 227–50 <>
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Source |
Tension/Spannung, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Cultural Inquiry, 1 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2010), pp. 227–50
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Cite as:
Antke Engel, ‘Desiring Tension: Towards a Queer Politics of Paradox’, in Tension/Spannung, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Cultural Inquiry, 1 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2010), pp. 227–50 <>