Book Section
Umut Yıldırım
War-torn Ecologies
Human and More-than-Human Intersections of Ethnography and the Arts
Umut Yıldırım’s introduction combines the genres of literature review and commentary. It re-examines contemporary works on posthuman life to articulate ecological life-and-death politics within the context of colonial, imperial, and genocidal mass violence, and their entangled environmental legacies and actualities. A dissident repertoire of anthropological and artistic research is offered, which examines the ecological impact of war through the perspectives of human and more-than-human actors whose racialized and geographically regimented lives endure and counter ongoing environmental destruction.
Keywords: Arts; Ethnography; Genocide; More-than-human relations; More-than-human memory; Occupation; Political aesthetics; Resistance; War
Title |
War-torn Ecologies
Subtitle |
Human and More-than-Human Intersections of Ethnography and the Arts
Author(s) |
Umut Yıldırım
Identifier | |
Description |
Umut Yıldırım’s introduction combines the genres of literature review and commentary. It re-examines contemporary works on posthuman life to articulate ecological life-and-death politics within the context of colonial, imperial, and genocidal mass violence, and their entangled environmental legacies and actualities. A dissident repertoire of anthropological and artistic research is offered, which examines the ecological impact of war through the perspectives of human and more-than-human actors whose racialized and geographically regimented lives endure and counter ongoing environmental destruction.
Is Part Of | |
Place |
Publisher |
ICI Berlin Press
Date |
19 September 2023
Subject |
More-than-human relations
More-than-human memory
Political aesthetics
Rights |
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Source |
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Cite as:
Umut Yıldırım, ‘War-torn Ecologies: Human and More-than-Human Intersections of Ethnography and the Arts’, in War-torn Ecologies, An-Archic Fragments: Reflections from the Middle East, ed. by Umut Yıldırım, Cultural Inquiry, 27 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2023), pp. 1-25 <>