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Starting from the editorial committee’s proposal concerning strategies for the recognition of Global South researches, in this letter I indicate a number of broader impasses related to neoliberal academia in a context in which ecological crisis emerges as a major crisis of capital. To do so, I resort to concepts drawn from feminist, decolonial, and post-structuralist literature and bring them into dialogue with a Marxist framework of analysis.
Keywords: feminism; university system; precariousness; ethics of capitalism; neoliberal ideology
Object: This Not-a-Paper ‘on’ the Andropobscenic University
Bruna Martins Coelho
Starting from the editorial committee’s proposal concerning strategies for the recognition of Global South researches, in this letter I indicate a number of broader impasses related to neoliberal academia in a context in which ecological crisis emerges as a major crisis of capital. To do so, I resort to concepts drawn from feminist, decolonial, and post-structuralist literature and bring them into dialogue with a Marxist framework of analysis.
Is Part Of
ICI Berlin Press
2 April 2024
university system
ethics of capitalism
neoliberal ideology
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Displacing Theory Through the Global South, ed. by Iracema Dulley and Özgün Eylül İşcen, Cultural Inquiry, 29 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024), pp. 177–95


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Cite as: Bruna Martins Coelho, ‘Object: This Not-a-Paper “on” the Andropobscenic University’, in Displacing Theory Through the Global South, ed. by Iracema Dulley and Özgün Eylül İşcen, Cultural Inquiry, 29 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024), pp. 177-95 <>