Book Section
Facundo Vega
On Bad Weather
Heidegger, Arendt, and Political Beginnings
This essay restages Arendt’s Auseinandersetzung with Heidegger regarding ‘political beginnings’. Sketching Heidegger’s exceptionalist account of ‘new beginnings’ and Arendt’s dispute with him in relation to the tension between the spheres of ‘philosophy’ and ‘politics’, I trace her position about ‘political founding’. I claim that Arendt invites us to recognize the ‘principle of an-archy’ innate to ‘political beginnings’, which cannot be absorbed by exceptionalist invocations of the ‘history of Being’.
Keywords: Political Beginnings; Philosophy; Politics; Exceptionalism; the Extraordinary; Principle of An-Archy; the Many
Rights: © by the author. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Title |
On Bad Weather
Subtitle |
Heidegger, Arendt, and Political Beginnings
Author(s) |
Facundo Vega
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Description |
This essay restages Arendt’s Auseinandersetzung with Heidegger regarding ‘political beginnings’. Sketching Heidegger’s exceptionalist account of ‘new beginnings’ and Arendt’s dispute with him in relation to the tension between the spheres of ‘philosophy’ and ‘politics’, I trace her position about ‘political founding’. I claim that Arendt invites us to recognize the ‘principle of an-archy’ innate to ‘political beginnings’, which cannot be absorbed by exceptionalist invocations of the ‘history of Being’.
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Publisher |
ICI Berlin Press
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Subject |
Political Beginnings
the Extraordinary
Principle of An-Archy
the Many
Rights |
© by the author
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Cite as:
Facundo Vega, ‘On Bad Weather: Heidegger, Arendt, and Political Beginnings’, in Weathering: Ecologies of Exposure, ed. by Christoph F. E. Holzhey and Arnd Wedemeyer, Cultural Inquiry, 17 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2020), pp. 227-43 <>