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I present a contrastive reading of Charles Baudelaire’s ‘L’Invitation au voyage’ and Edna St Vincent Millay’s 1936 retranslation, ‘Invitation to the Voyage’. Baudelaire’s poem is prefigurative and metapoetic: it models and theorizes gendered mechanisms for controlling its readership. Millay translates the poem both from French into English, and from Baudelaire’s misogynist poetics of control into a self-reflexive and open one. Millay repairs Baudelaire’s poem. The divergence between the two is paradigmatic for a deep rift in Western literary and cultural spacetimes, separating two starkly different poetics and two very different subject positions, one assimilated and scripted, one self-reflexive and unrepresentable. A brief look at approaches in retranslation theory that land on different sides of that rift frames the essay.
Keywords: apostrophe; consciousness; gender; indexicals; poetics; retranslation; reading
Millay Repairs Baudelaire
Sabine I. Gölz
I present a contrastive reading of Charles Baudelaire’s ‘L’Invitation au voyage’ and Edna St Vincent Millay’s 1936 retranslation, ‘Invitation to the Voyage’. Baudelaire’s poem is prefigurative and metapoetic: it models and theorizes gendered mechanisms for controlling its readership. Millay translates the poem both from French into English, and from Baudelaire’s misogynist poetics of control into a self-reflexive and open one. Millay repairs Baudelaire’s poem. The divergence between the two is paradigmatic for a deep rift in Western literary and cultural spacetimes, separating two starkly different poetics and two very different subject positions, one assimilated and scripted, one self-reflexive and unrepresentable. A brief look at approaches in retranslation theory that land on different sides of that rift frames the essay.
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ICI Berlin Press
28 October 2024
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Rethinking Lyric Communities, ed. by Irene Fantappiè, Francesco Giusti, and Laura Scuriatti, Cultural Inquiry, 30 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024), pp. 31–70


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Cite as: Sabine I. Gölz, ‘Millay Repairs Baudelaire’, in Rethinking Lyric Communities, ed. by Irene Fantappiè, Francesco Giusti, and Laura Scuriatti, Cultural Inquiry, 30 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024), pp. 31-70 <>