Book Section
Hal Coase
Lyric, Detachment, and Collectivity
On Carl Phillips’s ‘Hymn’
This essay outlines a series of parallels between queer critiques of community and the concept of lyric detachment in modern poetics. It suggests that this shared suspicion of community can provide one starting point for a reconsideration of how ‘counterintimacies’, as described by Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner, are figured in queer poetry. In order to illustrate this, it examines interactions between lyric tropes and homoerotic practices in Carl Phillips’s poem ‘Hymn’.
Keywords: queer poetics; lyric detachment; relationality; Phillips, Carl; queer theory; communities
Title |
Lyric, Detachment, and Collectivity
Subtitle |
On Carl Phillips’s ‘Hymn’
Author(s) |
Hal Coase
Identifier | |
Description |
This essay outlines a series of parallels between queer critiques of community and the concept of lyric detachment in modern poetics. It suggests that this shared suspicion of community can provide one starting point for a reconsideration of how ‘counterintimacies’, as described by Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner, are figured in queer poetry. In order to illustrate this, it examines interactions between lyric tropes and homoerotic practices in Carl Phillips’s poem ‘Hymn’.
Is Part Of | |
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Publisher |
ICI Berlin Press
Date |
28 October 2024
Subject |
queer poetics
lyric detachment
Phillips, Carl
queer theory
Rights |
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Source |
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Cite as:
Hal Coase, ‘Lyric, Detachment, and Collectivity: On Carl Phillips’s “Hymn”’, in Rethinking Lyric Communities, ed. by Irene Fantappiè, Francesco Giusti, and Laura Scuriatti, Cultural Inquiry, 30 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024), pp. 235-57 <>