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Despite the seeming liberalism of Khrushchev’s ‘Thaw’, limitations were still placed on the Soviet arts, and the era witnessed the emergence of a parallel form of underground or unofficial culture. This essay considers a number of vocal works by composers, including Gubaidulina and Schnittke, who experimented with a cosmopolitan range of literary texts, as well as with a more radical musical language. In doing so, these composers not only established a lyric community at home but also engaged with their counterparts in avant-garde circles in Western Europe.
Keywords: song; Soviet Union; underground culture; Gubaidulina, Sofia; Schnittke, Alfred; avant-garde; cosmopolitanism; modern music
The Transnational Lyric Community of Soviet Unofficial Music under Late Socialism
Philip Ross Bullock
Despite the seeming liberalism of Khrushchev’s ‘Thaw’, limitations were still placed on the Soviet arts, and the era witnessed the emergence of a parallel form of underground or unofficial culture. This essay considers a number of vocal works by composers, including Gubaidulina and Schnittke, who experimented with a cosmopolitan range of literary texts, as well as with a more radical musical language. In doing so, these composers not only established a lyric community at home but also engaged with their counterparts in avant-garde circles in Western Europe.
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ICI Berlin Press
28 October 2024
Soviet Union
underground culture
Gubaidulina, Sofia
Schnittke, Alfred
modern music
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Rethinking Lyric Communities, ed. by Irene Fantappiè, Francesco Giusti, and Laura Scuriatti, Cultural Inquiry, 30 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024), pp. 113–33


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Cite as: Philip Ross Bullock, ‘The Transnational Lyric Community of Soviet Unofficial Music under Late Socialism’, in Rethinking Lyric Communities, ed. by Irene Fantappiè, Francesco Giusti, and Laura Scuriatti, Cultural Inquiry, 30 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2024), pp. 113-33 <>