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Libera Pisano
Wandering Words
Translation against the Myth of Origin in Fritz Mauthner’s Philosophy
In this paper, I will address the issue of translation as a critique of autochthony that emerges in the context of Fritz Mauthner’s linguistic scepticism. Translation, for Mauthner, becomes a privileged prism through which to consider identity and belonging, as well as a way of understanding uprootedness, since language is a continuous product of borrowing, bastardization, stratification, and contingency. According to Mauthner, languages are not possession, but borrowing; not purity, but contagion; not an abstract crystallization, but transit. Therefore, love of the mother tongue — the only way to conceive patriotism — is not a physical connection with the land, roots, or nation, but a refuge, an always precarious Heimat (home).
Keywords: Fritz Mauthner; Translation; Mother Tongue; Linguistic Skepticism; Autochthony
Title |
Wandering Words
Subtitle |
Translation against the Myth of Origin in Fritz Mauthner’s Philosophy
Author(s) |
Libera Pisano
Identifier | |
Description |
In this paper, I will address the issue of translation as a critique of autochthony that emerges in the context of Fritz Mauthner’s linguistic scepticism. Translation, for Mauthner, becomes a privileged prism through which to consider identity and belonging, as well as a way of understanding uprootedness, since language is a continuous product of borrowing, bastardization, stratification, and contingency. According to Mauthner, languages are not possession, but borrowing; not purity, but contagion; not an abstract crystallization, but transit. Therefore, love of the mother tongue — the only way to conceive patriotism — is not a physical connection with the land, roots, or nation, but a refuge, an always precarious Heimat (home).
Is Part Of | |
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Publisher |
ICI Berlin Press
Date |
4 September 2023
Subject |
Fritz Mauthner
Mother Tongue
Linguistic Skepticism
Rights |
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Cite as:
Libera Pisano, ‘Wandering Words: Translation against the Myth of Origin in Fritz Mauthner’s Philosophy’, in Untying the Mother Tongue, ed. by Antonio Castore and Federico Dal Bo, Cultural Inquiry, 26 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2023), pp. 211-27 <>