Book Section
Cornelia Möser
Materialism, Matter, Matrix, and Mater
Contesting Notions in Feminist and Gender Studies
This chapter compares two strands of thought that experienced a difficult translation into the French context: new materialism (NM) and the gender debates within feminism. In this chapter, I analyse the different notions of material, materialism, or materiality at stake in various NM approaches. Following this, I show that socialist feminism, materialist feminism, and NM only share a rejection of postmodernism and anti-naturalism. I claim that the very different understandings of materialism within these feminisms must have contributed to this tepid reception of new materialism in France.
Keywords: new materialism; materialist feminism; French feminism; class and gender; structuralism; post-humanist ontology; social structure; institutions
Title |
Materialism, Matter, Matrix, and Mater
Subtitle |
Contesting Notions in Feminist and Gender Studies
Author(s) |
Cornelia Möser
Identifier | |
Description |
This chapter compares two strands of thought that experienced a difficult translation into the French context: new materialism (NM) and the gender debates within feminism. In this chapter, I analyse the different notions of material, materialism, or materiality at stake in various NM approaches. Following this, I show that socialist feminism, materialist feminism, and NM only share a rejection of postmodernism and anti-naturalism. I claim that the very different understandings of materialism within these feminisms must have contributed to this tepid reception of new materialism in France.
Is Part Of | |
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Publisher |
ICI Berlin Press
Date |
2 March 2021
Subject |
new materialism
materialist feminism
French feminism
class and gender
post-humanist ontology
social structure
Rights |
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Cite as:
Cornelia Möser, ‘Materialism, Matter, Matrix, and Mater: Contesting Notions in Feminist and Gender Studies’, in Materialism and Politics, ed. by Bernardo Bianchi, Emilie Filion-Donato, Marlon Miguel, and Ayşe Yuva, Cultural Inquiry, 20 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2021), pp. 203-14 <>