Book Section
Ayşe Yuva
Materialism, Politics, and the History of Philosophy
French, German, and Turkish Materialist Authors in the Nineteenth Century
The aim of this chapter is to analyse the political uses of the categorization of eighteenth-century French materialism as mechanistic and reductionist. Regardless of the current or outdated character of these materialisms, their rejection and the narratives that endorsed such judgments appear as partly ideological. Using several examples, this chapter will examine how this reductionist image of eighteenth-century French materialism was formed in the nineteenth century. It aims to show that the quarrels about materialism focused at that time on the question of a society’s dominant beliefs.
Keywords: materialists of the eighteenth century; French materialism; English materialism; idealism, German; philosophy, Turkish; political science – philosoph; Staël, madame de; Cousin, Victor; Büchner, Ludwig; Beşir Fuad
Title |
Materialism, Politics, and the History of Philosophy
Subtitle |
French, German, and Turkish Materialist Authors in the Nineteenth Century
Author(s) |
Ayşe Yuva
Identifier | |
Description |
The aim of this chapter is to analyse the political uses of the categorization of eighteenth-century French materialism as mechanistic and reductionist. Regardless of the current or outdated character of these materialisms, their rejection and the narratives that endorsed such judgments appear as partly ideological. Using several examples, this chapter will examine how this reductionist image of eighteenth-century French materialism was formed in the nineteenth century. It aims to show that the quarrels about materialism focused at that time on the question of a society’s dominant beliefs.
Is Part Of | |
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Publisher |
ICI Berlin Press
Date |
2 March 2021
Subject |
materialists of the eighteenth century
French materialism
English materialism
idealism, German
philosophy, Turkish
political science – philosoph
Staël, madame de
Cousin, Victor
Büchner, Ludwig
Beşir Fuad
Rights |
© by the author(s)
Except for images or otherwise noted, this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Source |
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Cite as:
Ayşe Yuva, ‘Materialism, Politics, and the History of Philosophy: French, German, and Turkish Materialist Authors in the Nineteenth Century’, in Materialism and Politics, ed. by Bernardo Bianchi, Emilie Filion-Donato, Marlon Miguel, and Ayşe Yuva, Cultural Inquiry, 20 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2021), pp. 293-312 <>