Florian Trabert

‘Il mal seme d’Adamo’

Dante’s Inferno and the Problem of the Literary Representation of Evil in Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus and Wolfgang Koeppen’s Der Tod in Rom
Even if the title of Wolfgang Koeppen’s last novel, Der Tod in Rom, alludes quite obviously to Thomas Mann’s novella, Der Tod in Venedig, Koeppen’s text must be understood first and foremost as a response to Mann’s most controversial novel, Doktor Faustus. The novels of Mann and Koeppen rank among the most well-known literary examinations of National Socialism but stand in a complementary relation to each other. Doktor Faustus, published in 1947, analyses the cultural and intellectual origins of German fascism, while Der Tod in Rom, published only seven years later in 1954, criticizes the continuity of National Socialist ideologies in post-war Germany. Both authors focus their analyses of fascism on a fictional avant-garde composer who seems at first glance detached from any political context. Doktor Faustus is the fictional biography of the composer Adrian Leverkühn, written by his friend Serenus Zeitblom in the last years of the Second World War. Leverkühn agrees to a pact with the devil, symbolically confirmed by the composer’s syphilitic infection; through this pact, Leverkühn tries to overcome the crisis of modern music. The conception of the novel is based, as the author himself has emphasized, on ‘die Parallelisierung verderblicher, in den Collaps mündender Euphorie mit dem fascistischen Völkerrausch’. By contrast, Siegfried Pfaffrath, the fictive composer of Koeppen’s novel, understands his avant-garde compositions as a form of resistance against the reactionary climate in the economically booming post-war Germany. These reactionary tendencies are embodied by Siegfried’s parents, who are trying, less than ten years after the end of the war, to repatriate their relative Gottlieb Judejahn, a former SS general and wanted war criminal. The actual starting point of my paper, however, is the fact that both novels are preceded by mottos taken from Dante’s Inferno. I will begin by commenting on the references to Dante in Doktor Faustus and then continue by analysing the allusions to the Commedia in Koeppen’s novel, which constitute, as I will demonstrate, a complex constellation among the three texts.
Keywords: Alighieri, Dante – Divina Commedia – Inferno; productive reception; good and evil in literature; Mann, Thomas – Doktor Faustus; Koeppen, Wolfgang – Der Tod in Rom
Part of Metamorphosing Dante Containing:
Frontmatter / Manuele Gragnolati, Fabio Camilletti, Fabian Lampart
Metamorphosing Dante / Fabio Camilletti, Manuele Gragnolati, Fabian Lampart
Dante’s ‘Strangeness’: The Commedia and the late Twentieth-Century Debate on the Literary Canon / Federica Pich
Irish Dante: Yeats, Joyce, Beckett / Piero Boitani
Dante as a Gay Poet / Nicola Gardini
Dante’s Inferno and Walter Benjamin’s Cities: Considerations of Place, Experience, and Media / Angela Merte-Rankin
‘Il mal seme d’Adamo’: Dante’s Inferno and the Problem of the Literary Representation of Evil in Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus and Wolfgang Koeppen’s Der Tod in Rom
‘Una modesta Divina Commedià’: Dante as Anti-Model in Cesare Pavese’s La luna e i falò / Tristan Kay
Reclaiming Paradiso: Dante in the Poetry of James Merrill and Charles Wright / Rachel Jacoff
‘Perché mi vinse il lume d’esta stella’: Giovanni Giudici’s Rewriting of Dante’s Paradiso for the Theatre / Erminia Ardissino
Per-tras-versionidantesche: Post-Paradisiacal Constellations in the Poetry of Vittorio Sereni and Andrea Zanzotto / Francesca Southerden
Human Desire, Deadly Love: The Vita Nova in Gide, Delay, Lacan / Fabio Camilletti
Wives and Lovers in Dante and Eugenio Montale / Rebecca West
Man with Snake: Dante in Derek Jarman’s Edward II / James Miller
Rewriting Dante after Freud and the Shoah: Giorgio Pressburger’s Nel regno oscuro / Manuele Gragnolati
‘Misi me per l’alto mare aperto’: Personality and Impersonality in Virginia Woolf’s Reading of Dante’s Allegorical Language / Teresa Prudente
‘Hell on a Paying Basis’: Morality, the Market, and the Movies in Harry Lachman’s Dante’s Inferno (1935) / Nick Havely
From Giorgio Agamben’s Italian Category of ‘Comedy’ to ‘Profanation’ as the Political Task of Modernity: Ingravallo’s Soaring Descent, or Dante according to Carlo Emilio Gadda / Manuela Marchesini
Literary Heresy: The Dantesque Metamorphosis of LeRoi Jones into Amiri Baraka / Dennis Looney
Transferring Dante: Robert Rauschenberg’s Thirty-Four Illustrations for the Inferno / Antonella Francini
‘Anzichè allargare, dilaterai!’: Allegory and Mimesis from Dante’s Comedy to Pier Paolo Pasolini’s La Divina Mimesis / Davide Luglio
A Cardboard Dante: Hell’s Metropolis Revisited / Ronald de Rooy
Backmatter / Manuele Gragnolati, Fabio Camilletti, Fabian Lampart
‘Il mal seme d’Adamo’
Dante’s Inferno and the Problem of the Literary Representation of Evil in Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus and Wolfgang Koeppen’s Der Tod in Rom
Florian Trabert
Even if the title of Wolfgang Koeppen’s last novel, Der Tod in Rom, alludes quite obviously to Thomas Mann’s novella, Der Tod in Venedig, Koeppen’s text must be understood first and foremost as a response to Mann’s most controversial novel, Doktor Faustus. The novels of Mann and Koeppen rank among the most well-known literary examinations of National Socialism but stand in a complementary relation to each other. Doktor Faustus, published in 1947, analyses the cultural and intellectual origins of German fascism, while Der Tod in Rom, published only seven years later in 1954, criticizes the continuity of National Socialist ideologies in post-war Germany. Both authors focus their analyses of fascism on a fictional avant-garde composer who seems at first glance detached from any political context. Doktor Faustus is the fictional biography of the composer Adrian Leverkühn, written by his friend Serenus Zeitblom in the last years of the Second World War. Leverkühn agrees to a pact with the devil, symbolically confirmed by the composer’s syphilitic infection; through this pact, Leverkühn tries to overcome the crisis of modern music. The conception of the novel is based, as the author himself has emphasized, on ‘die Parallelisierung verderblicher, in den Collaps mündender Euphorie mit dem fascistischen Völkerrausch’. By contrast, Siegfried Pfaffrath, the fictive composer of Koeppen’s novel, understands his avant-garde compositions as a form of resistance against the reactionary climate in the economically booming post-war Germany. These reactionary tendencies are embodied by Siegfried’s parents, who are trying, less than ten years after the end of the war, to repatriate their relative Gottlieb Judejahn, a former SS general and wanted war criminal. The actual starting point of my paper, however, is the fact that both novels are preceded by mottos taken from Dante’s Inferno. I will begin by commenting on the references to Dante in Doktor Faustus and then continue by analysing the allusions to the Commedia in Koeppen’s novel, which constitute, as I will demonstrate, a complex constellation among the three texts.
Is Part Of
Turia + Kant
Alighieri, Dante – Divina Commedia – Inferno
productive reception
good and evil in literature
Mann, Thomas – Doktor Faustus
Koeppen, Wolfgang – Der Tod in Rom
© by the author(s)
This version is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Bibliographic Citation
Florian Trabert, ‘‘Il mal seme d’Adamo’: Dante’s Inferno and the Problem of the Literary Representation of Evil in Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus and Wolfgang Koeppen’s Der Tod in Rom’, in Metamorphosing Dante: Appropriations, Manipulations, and Rewritings in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, ed. by Manuele Gragnolati, Fabio Camilletti, and Fabian Lampart, Cultural Inquiry, 2 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2011), pp. 89–99 <https://doi.org/10.25620/ci-02_06>
page start
page end
Metamorphosing Dante: Appropriations, Manipulations, and Rewritings in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, ed. by Manuele Gragnolati, Fabio Camilletti, and Fabian Lampart, Cultural Inquiry, 2 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2011), pp. 89–99


  • Genette, Gérard, Palimpseste: Die Literatur auf zweiter Stufe, trans. by Wolfram Bayer and Dieter Hornig (Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1993)
  • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Werke, ed. by Heinrich Trunz, 14 vols (Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1981)
  • Heftrich, Eckhard, ‘“Doktor Faustus”: Die radikale Autobiographie’, in Thomas Mann 1875–1975, ed. by Beatrix Bludau (Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1977), pp. 135–54
  • Joyce, James, Ulysses, ed. by Jeri Johnson (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993)
  • Koeppen, Wolfgang, Gesammelte Werke, ed. by Marcel Reich-Ranicki, 6 vols (Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1986)
  • Mann, Thomas, Briefe 1948–1955 und Nachlese, ed. by Erika Mann (Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1965)
  • Mann, Thomas, Tagebücher, ed. by Peter de Mendelssohn and Inge Jens, 10 vols (Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1979–1995)
  • Mann, Thomas, Große kommentierte Frankfurter Ausgabe, ed. by Heinrich Detering et al. (Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 2002– )
  • Pfitzner, Hans, Palestrina: Musikalische Legende in drei Akten (Berlin: Adolph Fürstner, 1916)
  • Stierle, Karlheinz, Zeit und Werk: Prousts ‛A la recherche du temps perdu’ und Dantes ‛Commedia’ (Munich: Hanser, 2008)
  • Treichel, Hans-Ulrich, Fragment ohne Ende: Eine Studie über Wolfgang Koeppen (Heidelberg: Winter, 1984)
  • Vaget, Hans Rudolf, Seelenzauber. Thomas Mann und die Musik (Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 2006)
  • Widding, Bernd, ‘Melancholie und Moderne: Wolfgang Koeppens Der Tod in Rom’, The Germanic Review, 66 (1991), pp. 161–68 <https://doi.org/10.1080/00168890.1991.9938058>

Cite as: Florian Trabert, ‘‘Il mal seme d’Adamo’: Dante’s Inferno and the Problem of the Literary Representation of Evil in Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus and Wolfgang Koeppen’s Der Tod in Rom’, in Metamorphosing Dante: Appropriations, Manipulations, and Rewritings in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, ed. by Manuele Gragnolati, Fabio Camilletti, and Fabian Lampart, Cultural Inquiry, 2 (Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2011), pp. 89–99 <https://doi.org/10.25620/ci-02_06>